バイブルスタディ Bible Study


New Hope Tokyo provides various bible study classes and seminars every week!
Please be sure to check the Google Calendar for any changes to schedules or venues.

単発クラス Special Class

第3日曜日, 3rd Sunday

Mothers’ Bible Study

Melissa Hung

Mother’s Bible study は毎月第3日曜日の12:15-13:30に407号室で行われています。母親が聖書について学び、キリスト中心の家庭を築く方法を学ぶ時間です。他のお母さんたちとのディスカッションの時間もあります。12:15-12:30はランチ&フェローシップの時間となっていますので、お弁当を持参して自由にお過ごしください。セッションは日本語で行われますが、必要に応じて英語の通訳が入ります。

Mother’s Bible study is held every month on the 3rd Sunday between 12:15-13:30 in room 407. It is a time for mothers to learn about the bible and also learn how to bring up a Christ-centered family. There will also be discussion time with other mothers. Feel free to bring your lunch and have fellowship time, as 12:15-12:30 is set for lunch & fellowship. Session will be in Japanese with English interpretation if needed.

定期クラス Regular Class



Isaku Kato

日時Date:2025.4.26(土/SAT)10:00-16:30 @OCC 5F


“GDGS(Growing Deep Growing Strong) is a course designed to help you set a strong foundation in Jesus Christ. Learn about New Hope Tokyo, membership, and building the community through different ministries and small groups.

お申し込み Sign Up

Discovery Class

Isaku Kato


“Does God really exist?””What do Christians believe?” This is a four-session introductory class to learn the basic teachings of christianity.  Even if you are not familiar with church or the Bible, please feel free to join us.  Let’s discover who Jesus Christ is together! If you are interested in Discovery Class, please contact us!

NHT Edification Team

Design Class

Isaku Kato

あなたの情熱、賜物、スタイルは何ですか? 学びに参加して、神様がつくられたあなたのデザインを発見しましょう!What’s your passion? What’s your gift? What’s your style? Come and join the DESIGN course to discover how God has wired you!


Please be sure to check the Google Calendar for any changes to schedules or venues.