New Hope Tokyo provides various bible study classes and seminars every week!
Please be sure to check the Google Calendar for any changes to schedules or venues.
Isaku Kato
洗礼式のご案内 / Baptism Ceremony
日時: 1月26日(日曜日) 12:30-13:45
場所: OCC303号室室
日時: 2月2日(日曜日) 16:00
場所: お茶の水キリストの教会(OCCから徒歩3分)
We will hold a baptism ceremony on Sunday, February 2nd. Let us rejoice together and celebrate this special day! For those who wish to be baptized, we will also hold a baptism preparation meeting in advance. If you wish to be baptized, please make sure to attend. Please register for the baptism ceremony and the baptism preparation meeting using the link below.
Baptism Preparation Class
Sunday, 26 January at 12:30PM-1:45PM
Location: OCC 303
Baptism Ceremony
Date: Sunday, 2 February at 4PM
Location: Ochanomizu Church of Christ (3 minutes walk from OCC)
Registration Due Date
Saturday, January 25, 2025
11/3, 12/1, 2/2
Charlotte Otsu
私の人生、家族、日本に対するイエス様の救いと贖いの御計画はどのようなものでしょうか? 神さまのみ心はなんでしょうか?
一緒に発見していきましょう! 申し込みは必要ありません。どうぞご遠慮なく来てください。
New monthly Bible study series begins!
What is God’s redemptive plan for me, my family and Japan? Let’s find out! No need for application. Please just come.
Toru Majima
リーダーシップの学び。ディボーションの分かち合い、リーダーシップティーチング、パネルディスカッション、スモールグループが持たれます。We have devotion sharing, leadership teaching, panel discussion, and small groups.
Coming Soon
Isaku Kato
“Does God really exist?””What do Christians believe?” This is a four-session introductory class to learn the basic teachings of christianity. Even if you are not familiar with church or the Bible, please feel free to join us. Let’s discover who Jesus Christ is together!
Coming Soon
Isaku Kato
“GDGS(Growing Deep Growing Strong) is a course designed to help you set a strong foundation in Jesus Christ. Learn about New Hope Tokyo, membership, and building the community through different ministries and small groups.
Isaku Kato
あなたの情熱、賜物、スタイルは何ですか? 学びに参加して、神様がつくられたあなたのデザインを発見しましょう!What’s your passion? What’s your gift? What’s your style? Come and join the DESIGN course to discover how God has wired you!
日付 Date: 2/22(日 sat)
時間 Time:9:30 Door Open /10:00 Start
場所 Place: OCC Room 507
費用(テキスト代) Fee (for Text): 500円/yen
Please be sure to check the Google Calendar for any changes to schedules or venues.