
深みに漕ぎ出せ! Put Out Into Deep Water!

真島 亨牧師 Pastor Toru Majima


「2(イエスは)岸べに小舟が二そうあるのをご覧になった。漁師たちは、その舟から降りて網を洗っていた。3 イエスは、そのうちの一つの、シモンの持ち舟にのり、陸から少し漕ぎ出すように頼まれた。そしてイエスはすわって、舟から群衆を教えられた。4話が終わると、シモンに、『深みに漕ぎ出して、網をおろして魚をとりなさい。』と言われた。 5 するとシモンが答えて言った。『先生。私たちは、夜通し働きましたが、何一つとれませんでした。でもおことばどおり、網をおろしてみましょう。』 6 そして、そのとおりにすると、たくさんの魚がはいり、網は破れそうになった。」(ルカ5:2-6)

a. イエス様は、失望をへと変えて下さる。(ルカ5:2)

b. イエス様はあなたを導いて下さる。(ルカ5:3-11)


c. 深みにしかない祝福がある。(ルカ5:6)


1. イエスの声をことを学ぶ。(ルカ5:5)

2. イエス様がという約束を覚えている。


Put Out Into Deep Water!

“2 He saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets. 3 He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat. 4 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’ 5 Simon answered, ‘Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.’ 6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break.”(Luke 5:2-6)

a. Jesus can turn disappointment into .(Luke5:2)

b. b. Jesus leads you .(Luke5:3-11)

“Then Jesus said to Simon, ‘Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.’” (Luke 5:10)

c. c. There are and you can experience only in deep water. (Luke 5:6)

~To Put Out Into Deep Water~

1. Learn to and Jesus.(Luke5:5)

2. Remember Jesus’s promise that He is .

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
(Matthew 28:20)

New Hope Tokyo 25th Anniversary


The 25th anniversary of New Hope Tokyo is a time to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the members who have supported our journey over the past 25 years, as well as to those who are part of our community today. Let us celebrate this special year together, embracing the blessings of the future through this anniversary!

New Hope Tokyo Family Special Reunion

15:00-17:00@OCC 8F Chapel


We will celebrate the 25th anniversary of New Hope Tokyo together with our New Hope family.
This is a time for both our current members and those who have been part of our journey to come together and share in this blessing. While the program may include moments reminiscent of a heartfelt reunion, this gathering is not just about nostalgia. Rather, it is an opportunity to look ahead and spend time anticipating what God has in store for our future.

25th ANNIVERSARY Special Service

10:30-12:00 / 14:00-15:30@OCC 8F Chapel


We will celebrate this special milestone of our 25th anniversary during our Sunday service.
On this day, Pastor Wayne Cordeiro, the founder of New Hope Christian Fellowship, will be sharing a message with us. Let us make this a time of blessing—praying together, praising together, and wholeheartedly worshiping God!

Young Adults Ministry


Passion Generation, our young adults ministry is rebranding.
We hope to become a place where we can gather people together for one purpose, Jesus.
So we are rebranding to “Collective” which means: a gathering of people for one purpose.
We are excited as we launch into the next season! Moving forward Collective will be holding services every Sunday at 5pm on the 3rd floor.
Please invite your friends to our first service on April 7th!

Official LINE Account has launched!


New Hope Tokyo’s official LINE account has launched!
Be sure to subscribe to receive the latest updates.

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