
ニューホープ東京24周年礼拝さらに場所を広げよう New Hope Tokyo’s 24th AnniversaryMAKE ROOM FOR MORE

タロ・サタラカ牧師 Pastor Talo Sataraka



1. たとえ理解できないことでも、に挑もう


2. を信じて、リスクを冒そう

「あなたの天幕の場所を広げ、住まいの幕を惜しみなく張り、綱を長くし、杭を強固にせよ。3あなたは右と左に増え広がり、あなたの子孫は国々を所有し、荒れ果てた町々を人の住む所とするからだ。」 (イザヤ54:2~3 新改訳)

3. 過去の失敗に惑わされず、


New Hope Tokyo’s 24th AnniversaryMAKE ROOM FOR MORE

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 19See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV)

1. Do , even if it doesn’t make sense to you

“Sing, barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor;because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband,” says the Lord.” (Isaiah 54:1 NIV)

2. Take risk and trust

“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. 3For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities.” (Isaiah 54:2-3 NIV)

3. Don’t let your past failures stop you from

“Do not be afraid; you will not be put to shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood. 5 For your Maker is your husband, the Lord Almighty is his name, the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer; he is called the God of all the earth.” (Isaiah 54:4-5 NIV)

Kids Camp

This kids camp for elementary school students is an opportunity for children to get away from their parents, spend time with other faith friends their own age, and grow in their faith. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Registration Deadline: Sunday, July 14

申込フォーム / Registration Form

ニューホープ・ジャパン ユースキャンプ2024
NH Japan Youth Camp 2024


We will have summer camp hosted by New Hope Japan Youth this year! It’s an opportunity for all of New Hope youth to come together. Let’s enjoy spending time with an exciting program, worship, and message hanging out with friends of your age group!

  • 8月13日~15日 / August 13-15
  • YMCA 東山荘 / YMCA Tozanso
  • 21,800円 / 21,800yen

Check out for more information through this website!


Sunday Afternoon Bible Talk


Would you like to join the Bible study on Sunday afternoon?
We meet once a month starting April and there will be 4sessions in total.


4/7, 6/2, 7/7, 8/4
16:00~ @OCC416

Young Adults Ministry


Passion Generation, our young adults ministry is rebranding.
We hope to become a place where we can gather people together for one purpose, Jesus.
So we are rebranding to “Collective” which means: a gathering of people for one purpose.
We are excited as we launch into the next season! Moving forward Collective will be holding services every Sunday at 5pm on the 3rd floor.
Please invite your friends to our first service on April 7th!

リーダーシップの学び (基礎編)
Basic Leadership Session

PacRim Bible Institute

伝道者の書 集中講義
ECCLESIASTES Intensive course

日時 / Date&Time

  • 6/22(土・Sat) 10:00~18:00
  • 6/24(月・Mon) 19:00~21:00
  • 6/25(火・Tue) 19:00~21:00
  • 6/26(水・Wed) 19:00~21:00
  • 6/27(木・Thu) 19:00~21:00
  • 6/28(金・Fri) 19:00~21:00
  • 6/29(土・Sat) 10:00~18:00

場所 / Place

御茶ノ水クリスチャンセンター507号室 または、ズーム
Ochanomizu Christian Center Room 507 OR Zoom

※ すべてのセッションは対面とオンラインの両方で行われます。
All sessions are conducted in a hybrid, face-to-face and Zoom.

受講料 / Fee

聴講生:20,000円 (初めての受講、またはグループ申し込みの場合、15,000円のキャンペーン価格でお申し込みいただけます)
正規生:40,000円 (正規生は別途入学金が必要です)
Auditor: 20,000 yen (15,000 yen for the first time attendance or group application)
Regular Student: 40,000 yen (Enrollment fee is needed for the regular students)

お申し込み / How to Apply

Please write “Ecclesiastes Classs” in the subject and give us your name and Church name.

お問い合わせ / Inquiries

Email: pacrimasia.japan@gmail.com
URL: https://www.pacrimasia.jp

Mothers’ Bible Study

4月から7月の第3日曜日 12時半から13時半まで、お母さんたちのためのバイブルスタディーをします!

We will have Bible studies for mothers on the third Sunday from April to July from 12:30 to 1:30 pm!
We want to make a supportive community for mothers.
While the mothers are doing Bible study, we will have a program for the children, including SOAP devotion, crafts, and games.


If you would like to participate, please bring your children to Room 416 between 12:00 and 12:30.
Kids can bring their lunch and eat in Rm 416 until the program starts from 12:30.
Fathers are also welcome to join children’s programs! Mothers are also welcome to bring their own lunch and gather in Room 407!

Date & Time
初回: 4/21(Sun) 12:30~13:30
OCC407(お母さんのバイブルスタディ/Mothers’ Bible Study)
OCC416(子供のプログラム / Kids’ Program)

New Bible study series


New Bible study series “ Shame, Fear, Control Cycle” will start this month.
By joining the class, you can learn how Shame,Fear and Control are interconnected to each other, and how they keep us from God’s best.
This is a part of what we study in Life Change seminar so if you are interested in Life change and would like to have an idea of the seminar, this is a right class for you.

Official LINE Account has launched!


New Hope Tokyo’s official LINE account has launched!
Be sure to subscribe to receive the latest updates.

登録 / Subscribe

Life Change Seminar 2024


LifeChange is a discipleship training program designed to bring freedom, healing, wholeness, and spiritual maturity into the life of believers.
Through teaching, small group discussions, worship and prayer, participants will have the opportunity to address issues that may be keeping them from fulfilling God’s best for their life. The entire seminar and retreat are saturated in prayer as we seek God to bring the transformation He desires for us.
Download Leaflet for details.

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