New Hope Tokyo started with a vision to create a church that is fun and lively, a church where you can easily invite friends and family, and a church where everyone, Christians or otherwise, can always celebrate the splendor of God.
Sunday Worship Services at New Hope Tokyo is carried out in both Japanese and English, and we incorporate contemporary gospel music praise, video, and hula dancing as part of the program. Through messages from the Bible by the pastors, we highlight various real issues that occur in our lives and offer solutions, and convey the good news sent to all people from God, in an easy to understand manner.
New Hope Tokyo is a Protestant Christian church. We are affiliated with New Hope Christian Fellowship Oahu in Hawaii, a church pioneered by Senior Pastor Wayne Cordeiro, where currently about 20,000 people attend on Oahu within its affiliated churches.
ニューホープ東京は1999年に四谷三丁目にある小さな貸し会議室で始まりました。そこでは、同年10月にハワイから再来日したタロ・サタラカ牧師の家族と、共にハワイから帰国した真島亨副牧師(ニューホープ横浜 元主任牧師)の家族を含めた15人のリーダー達が日曜日等に集まり、神様に礼拝を捧げ、共に交わり、家族や友人の救いや教会に対する自分たちの夢や期待を分かち合い、祈り合い、新たな教会設立の準備を進めていました。この準備期間を経て、翌年2000年3月19日に正式に教会としてのオープニング・セレモニーを迎えたのです。
New Hope Tokyo began in 1999, in a small rented conference room in Yotsuya 3-chome in Tokyo. There, 15 leaders, including Pastor Talo Sataraka and his family who had returned to Japan from Hawaii in October 1999, and Assistant Pastor Toru Majima (former Senior Pastor of New Hope Yokohama) and his family who had also returned from Hawaii, gathered mainly on Sundays, to worship God, fellowship together, share and pray together for the salvation of family and friends, about their dreams and expectations for the new church, and prepared towards the inauguration. After this preparation period, New Hope Tokyo finally held its official opening ceremony on March 19, 2000.
In the first six months, more than 100 people joined the church, and many became Christians and were baptized. New Hope Yokohama was pioneered in 2004, followed by New Hope Osaka in 2005. In 2006, an International Preschool was established in Narimasu, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo, and a satellite church, New Hope Narimasu, was started on the same premises, as a community church catering to local families, and Sunday Worship Services began. Following this, New Hope Taiwan started in 2011, and New Hope Gifu in 2012. There are further plans to plant churches in the future, in locations such as Okinawa.