
人に手を伸ばそう! Let's Reach Out To Others!

真島 亨牧師 Pastor Toru Majima



イエスも、すぐに、自分のうちから力が外に出て行ったことに気づいて、群衆の中を振り向いて、「だれがわたしの着物にさわったのですか。」と言われた。31 そこで弟子たちはイエスに言った。「群衆があなたに押し迫っているのをご覧になっていて、それでも『だれがわたしにさわったのか。』とおっしゃるのですか。」32 イエスは、それをした人を知ろうとして、見回しておられた。(マルコ5:30-32)

イエスは言われた。「娘よ、あなたの信仰があなたを救った。安心して行きなさい。もうその病気にかからず、元気に暮らしなさい。」(マルコ 5:34)

1. ことを学ぶ。(マルコ 5:30-32)

熱心だけで知識のないのはよくない。急ぎ足の者はつまずく。 (箴言19:2)

― 意図的に時間を持つ。

静まって、わたしこそ神であることを知れ。(詩篇 46:10)

2. 人にことを学ぶ。(マルコ 5:32)

3. 人のに手を伸ばすことを学ぶ。(マルコ 5:34)

子どもたちよ。私たちは、ことばや口先だけで愛することをせず、行ないと真実をもって愛そうではありませんか。(1ヨハネ 3:18)



Let's Reach Out To Others!

Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years, and had suffered many things from many physicians. She had spent all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse. (Mark 5:25-26)

At once Jesus knew that power had gone out of him, so he turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?” 5:31 His disciples answered, “You see how the people are crowding you; why do you ask who touched you?” But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it.(Mark 5:30-32)

Jesus said to her, “My daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your trouble.”(Mark 5:34)

1. Learn . (Mark 5:30-32)

Desire without knowledge is not good — how much more will hasty feet miss the way! (Proverbs 19:2)

― Have a time to intentionally.

Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10)

2. Learn to in others and to with them. (Mark 5:32)

3. Learn to reach out to of others. (Mark 5:34)

My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.(1John 3:18)

― Introduce .

Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand. (Isaiah46:10)

GDGS: メンバーシップクラス

“GDGS(Growing Deep Growing Strong) is a course designed to help you set a strong foundation in Jesus Christ. Learn about New Hope Tokyo, membership, and building the community through different ministries and small groups.

If you have any questions, please contact us!

日時/Date& Time: 6/1 10:00~16:30 @OCC 507

Ohana Retreat 2024

オハナリトリートが、5月2日(木)から4日(土)の日程で、トーセイホテル&セミナー幕張にて開催されることをお知らせいたします。今年のテーマは『Magnify』- ヨハネ3:30からインスパイアを受けました。

This year’s Ohana Retreat will be held from May 2nd (Thu) to May 4th (Sat) at the Tosei Hotel & Seminar Makuhari. The theme for this year is ‘Magnify,’ inspired by John 3:30.
For details, please visit Ohana Retreat Web Site.

テーマ聖句 / Theme Verse
「あの方は盛んになり、私は衰えなければなりません。」(ヨハネの福音書 3章30節)
“He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30)
Tosei Hotel & Seminar Makuhari
ゲストスピーカー ・Guest Speakers
アーロン・コデイロ牧師・Pastor Aaron Cordeiro(New Hope West)
ジョン・バージェス牧師・Pastor John Burgess (The Father’s House)

Basic Leadership Session

Mothers’ Bible Study

4月から7月の第3日曜日 12時半から13時半まで、お母さんたちのためのバイブルスタディーをします!

We will have Bible studies for mothers on the third Sunday from April to July from 12:30 to 1:30 pm!
We want to make a supportive community for mothers.
While the mothers are doing Bible study, we will have a program for the children, including SOAP devotion, crafts, and games.


If you would like to participate, please bring your children to Room 416 between 12:00 and 12:30.
Kids can bring their lunch and eat in Rm 416 until the program starts from 12:30.
Fathers are also welcome to join children’s programs! Mothers are also welcome to bring their own lunch and gather in Room 407!

Date & Time
初回: 4/21(Sun) 12:30~13:30
OCC407(お母さんのバイブルスタディ/Mothers’ Bible Study)
OCC416(子供のプログラム / Kids’ Program)

Sunday Afternoon Bible Talk


Would you like to join the Bible study on Sunday afternoon?
We meet once a month starting April and there will be 4sessions in total.


4/7, 6/2, 7/7, 8/4
16:00~ @OCC416

Young Adults Ministry


Passion Generation, our young adults ministry is rebranding.
We hope to become a place where we can gather people together for one purpose, Jesus.
So we are rebranding to “Collective” which means: a gathering of people for one purpose.
We are excited as we launch into the next season! Moving forward Collective will be holding services every Sunday at 5pm on the 3rd floor.
Please invite your friends to our first service on April 7th!

Biblical Counseling Class

興味のある方は、3/17までに以下のリンク(Google Form)からサインアップしてください。

Would you like to learn about counseling based on the Bible?
Pastors Calvin and Marsha, who have been working as counselors at New Hope, will provide training in biblical counseling over five sessions.
This will be a valuable learning opportunity for those who are already involved in counseling as well as those who are considering it in the future.
If you’re interested, please sign up using the following link (Google Form) by March 17th.

スケジュール / Schedule

トピック 日付 時間 場所
聖書的カウンセリング入門 / 品性
Intro to Biblical Counseling / Character
3/23 (土・Sat) 10:00~12:00 Zoom
必要な条件 / 境界線
Requirements / Boundaries
3/30 (土・Sat) 10:00~12:00 Zoom
インタビュー / 質問
Interview / Questionnarire
4/13 (土・Sat) 10:00~12:00 Zoom
結婚 / Marriage Part1 4/27 (土・Sat) 10:00~12:00 Zoom
結婚 / Marriage Part2 5/11 (土・Sat) 16:00~18:00 対面 in-person

申し込み / Application

PacRim Bible Institute

伝道者の書 集中講義
ECCLESIASTES Intensive course

日時 / Date&Time

  • 6/22(土・Sat) 10:00~18:00
  • 6/24(月・Mon) 19:00~21:00
  • 6/25(火・Tue) 19:00~21:00
  • 6/26(水・Wed) 19:00~21:00
  • 6/27(木・Thu) 19:00~21:00
  • 6/28(金・Fri) 19:00~21:00
  • 6/29(土・Sat) 10:00~18:00

場所 / Place

御茶ノ水クリスチャンセンター507号室 または、ズーム
Ochanomizu Christian Center Room 507 OR Zoom

※ すべてのセッションは対面とオンラインの両方で行われます。
All sessions are conducted in a hybrid, face-to-face and Zoom.

受講料 / Fee

聴講生:20,000円 (初めての受講、またはグループ申し込みの場合、15,000円のキャンペーン価格でお申し込みいただけます)
正規生:40,000円 (正規生は別途入学金が必要です)
Auditor: 20,000 yen (15,000 yen for the first time attendance or group application)
Regular Student: 40,000 yen (Enrollment fee is needed for the regular students)

お申し込み / How to Apply

Please write “Ecclesiastes Classs” in the subject and give us your name and Church name.

お問い合わせ / Inquiries

Email: pacrimasia.japan@gmail.com
URL: https://www.pacrimasia.jp

New Bible study series


New Bible study series “ Shame, Fear, Control Cycle” will start this month.
By joining the class, you can learn how Shame,Fear and Control are interconnected to each other, and how they keep us from God’s best.
This is a part of what we study in Life Change seminar so if you are interested in Life change and would like to have an idea of the seminar, this is a right class for you.

Official LINE Account has launched!


New Hope Tokyo’s official LINE account has launched!
Be sure to subscribe to receive the latest updates.

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