We are going to have a water baptism ceremony on Sunday, Feb. 2nd. The venue will be “Ochanomizu Church of Christ” near OCC.
A baptismal preparation meeting will be held on Jan. 26th from 12:30 pm in OCC building. For applications, please contact Pastor Kato Kato at nhtedification@gmail.com.
Water Baptism Preparation Class
日時: 1/26(Sun) 12:30
洗礼式 / Water Baptism
日時: 2/2(Sun) 16:00
会場: 御茶の水キリストの教会
Venue: Ochanomizu Church of Christ
住所: 千代田区神田駿河台2-5-21
Address: 2-5-21 Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
申込み(1/25締切) / Registration(Due: Jan 25)