
暗闇に光を Light into Darkness

ジョシュ・プラム牧師 Pastor Josh Plumb


1. イエスは私達を見ている

2. イエスは私たちの過去ではなく、この世の光と結びついたときの私達の人生の希望を見ている

3. イエスは呪いのように感じられるものを祝福へと変えられる

4. イエスは私達に、イエスと共に信仰に加わるよう求められている

イエスは再び言われた。「わたしは世の光である。わたしに従う者は暗闇の中を歩かず、命の光を持つ。」(ヨハネによる福音書 8:12)

さて、イエスは通りすがりに、生まれつき目の見えない人を見かけられた。 弟子たちがイエスに尋ねた。「ラビ、この人が生まれつき目が見えないのは、だれが罪を犯したからですか。本人ですか。それとも、両親ですか。」 イエスはお答えになった。「本人が罪を犯したからでも、両親が罪を犯したからでもない。神の業がこの人に現れるためである。 わたしたちは、わたしをお遣わしになった方の業を、まだ日のあるうちに行わねばならない。だれも働くことのできない夜が来る。 わたしは、世にいる間、世の光である。」 こう言ってから、イエスは地面に唾をし、唾で土をこねてその人の目にお塗りになった。 そして、「シロアム――『遣わされた者』という意味――の池に行って洗いなさい」と言われた。そこで、彼は行って洗い、目が見えるようになって、帰って来た。(ヨハネによる福音書 9:1-7)

Light into Darkness

1. Jesus sees us

2. Jesus looks not at our past but the hope of our life when connected to the light of the world.

3. Jesus takes that which feels like a curse and turns it into a blessing

4. Jesus asks us to participate in faith with him.

I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12 NIV)

1 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” 3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. 4 As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. 5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” 6 After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. 7 “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means “Sent”). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing. (John 9:1-7 NIV)

New Hope Tokyo 25th Anniversary


The 25th anniversary of New Hope Tokyo is a time to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the members who have supported our journey over the past 25 years, as well as to those who are part of our community today. Let us celebrate this special year together, embracing the blessings of the future through this anniversary!

New Hope Tokyo Family Special Reunion

15:00-17:00@OCC 8F Chapel


We will celebrate the 25th anniversary of New Hope Tokyo together with our New Hope family.
This is a time for both our current members and those who have been part of our journey to come together and share in this blessing. While the program may include moments reminiscent of a heartfelt reunion, this gathering is not just about nostalgia. Rather, it is an opportunity to look ahead and spend time anticipating what God has in store for our future.

25th ANNIVERSARY Special Service

10:30-12:00 / 14:00-15:30@OCC 8F Chapel


We will celebrate this special milestone of our 25th anniversary during our Sunday service.
On this day, Pastor Wayne Cordeiro, the founder of New Hope Christian Fellowship, will be sharing a message with us. Let us make this a time of blessing—praying together, praising together, and wholeheartedly worshiping God!

Memership Class


If you have felt the Lord calling you to commit to being a member of NH Tokyo this season, please join us for our Membership Class.
We will learn about NH Tokyo’s history, mission statement, core values, and important points to help you grow stronger and deeper.

日程 / Date:4/26(土)10:00~16:00
場所 / Place:OCC 507

Registration Form (open until Apr 23rd):

If you have any questions, please contact us!

Midweek Service

Midweek Service will start on 4/16! Let’s worship God, and pray for each other, and enjoy fellowship in the middle of the week!

第一・第三水曜日 / 1st & 3rd Wednesday
19:00-20:30@OCC #507

NH International Preschool Teacher Needed

New Hope International Preschool is looking for a teacher. If you are a licensed nursery school teacher or nurse with some English ability, please contact us.

Tel: 03-5383-0421
Mail: office@newhopeclc.jp
Web: https://www.newhopeclc.jp

Young Adults Ministry


Passion Generation, our young adults ministry is rebranding.
We hope to become a place where we can gather people together for one purpose, Jesus.
So we are rebranding to “Collective” which means: a gathering of people for one purpose.
We are excited as we launch into the next season! Moving forward Collective will be holding services every Sunday at 5pm on the 3rd floor.
Please invite your friends to our first service on April 7th!

Official LINE Account has launched!


New Hope Tokyo’s official LINE account has launched!
Be sure to subscribe to receive the latest updates.

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