子供祝福式 / Child Blessing
11/17 (日・Sun)
Target ages: 0-12 years old
Every year at New Hope Tokyo, we pray for the children in our Child Blessing Ceremony. Please bring your children!
献児式 / Baby Dedication
11/24 (日・Sun)
Target: 0-1 years old
献児式とは、新しく生まれた子供の祝福を祈ると共に親の信仰を表明し、親のために祈る時です。こちらは希望者がいる場合に行いますので、対象のお子さんがいらっしゃる方は nhtedification@gmail.com 宛に、親御さんのお名前と赤ちゃんのお名前を書いて申し込みください。
Baby dedication is a time where parents can express their faith and pray for their newly born child, and as a church we will support the parents in prayer. This will only be held if there are applicants, so if you wish to participate, please apply by emailing us at nhtedification@gmail.com with the parents’ and baby’s names.